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Notnotice – Ahead / SUBSIST184D

Download Notnotice - Ahead on Electrobuzz

ARTIST(S): Notnotice


PUBLISHER: Subsist Records / SUBSIST184D
MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Techno
RELEASE DATE: 2023-01-19
FILE SIZE: (462.31 MB)

Ahead have 12 TOTAL TRACKS

  1. Notnotice – Metaversum (06:12) 09A, 137
  2. Notnotice – Stimulation (06:03) 03A, 131
  3. Notnotice – Saturn Return (04:05) 09A, 134
  4. Notnotice – Fatal Exception Error (07:38) 05B, 100
  5. Notnotice – Delusion (04:58) 02A, 128
  6. Notnotice – Grey Goo (06:49) 11A, 134
  7. Notnotice – Assambler (04:40) 06A, 144
  8. Notnotice – Geiger Counter (04:19) 03B, 128
  9. Notnotice – Neural Lace (05:38) 04A, 120
  10. Notnotice – Exosuit (05:41) 10A, 102
  11. Notnotice – Technological Singularity (07:54) 06A, 120
  12. Notnotice – Before (05:54) 11A, 67

Total Playtime: 01:09:51 min

Download Ahead in 320 MP3, FLAC, and AIFF

Ahead” tells about some futuristic forks of the current world. The author tried to express this in the form of about sci-fi sound, sometimes a little rough, looped and outsider techno. One of the main concepts is that science can only be a convenient template for explanations that may be errors. For example, Copernicus, Tsiolkovsky, who is next?//

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